Класс: slreq. Ссылка
Пакет: slreq
Найдите дочерние ссылки
childRefs = children(ref)
возвращается дочерний элемент сослался на требования childRefs
= children(ref
объекта slreq.Reference
% Load a requirements set file and find referenced requirements rs = slreq.load('C:\MATLAB\My_Requirements_Set_1.slreqx'); allRefs = find(rs, 'Type', 'Reference') allRefs = 1×32 Reference array with properties: Keywords Artifact Id Summary Description SID Domain SynchronizedOn ModifiedOn ref1 = allRefs(1); % Find the children of ref1 childRef = children(ref1) childRef = Reference with properties: Keywords: [0×0 char] Artifact: 'Req_doc.docx' Id: 'R1.1' Summary: 'References' Description: '' SID: 2 Domain: 'linktype_rmi_word' SynchronizedOn: 26-Jul-2015 15:45:22 ModifiedOn: 27-Jul-2015 12:00:13