function simStarted(this)
% Initialize the animation canvas
% Re-initialize runtime work variables for simulation
this.mEntityGlyphs = containers.Map('keytype', 'char', 'valuetype', 'any');
this.mEntities = containers.Map('keytype', 'char', 'valuetype', 'any');
this.mCombineMap = containers.Map('keytype', 'char', 'valuetype', 'char');
this.mCachePostRun = containers.Map('keytype', 'char', 'valuetype', 'char');
this.mTableOccupy = zeros(1, size(this.cTablePos,1)) - 1;
% Setup the figure with the restaurant floor as background
close all;
im = imread('restaurant.png');
this.mFig = gcf;
set(this.mFig, 'Tag', 'Begin');
this.mAx = gca;
set(this.mFig, 'toolbar', 'none');
set(this.mFig, 'menubar', 'none');
set(this.mAx, 'XTickLabel', '');
set(this.mAx, 'YTickLabel', '');
set(this.mAx, 'Box', 'on');
set(this.mAx, 'TickLength', [0 0]);
set(this.mAx, 'position', [0 0 1 1]);
hold on;
% Set up the numeric statistics text labels on the figure
this.mTxtEntry = text(170,850, '0');
this.mTxtWaiting = text(10,160, '0');
this.mTxtExit = text(920,330, '0');
this.mTxtSelectedEnt = text(50,600,'');
set(this.mTxtEntry, 'Color', [0.8500 0.3250 0.0980], 'FontWeight', 'bold', 'FontSize', 14);
set(this.mTxtWaiting, 'Color', [0.8500 0.3250 0.0980], 'FontWeight', 'bold', 'FontSize', 14);
set(this.mTxtExit, 'Color', [0.8500 0.3250 0.0980], 'FontWeight', 'bold', 'FontSize', 14);
this.mLineSelectedEnt = plot(0,0,'.');
% Set up the timer
this.mTimer = timer(...
'TimerFcn', @(t,e)animate(this,t,e), ...
'ExecutionMode', 'fixedSpacing', ...
'Period', this.cTimerPeriod);
this.mTimerData = containers.Map('keytype', 'char', 'valuetype', 'any');
this.mTimerRequestStop = false;
this.mTimerRequestPause = false;