
Помогите для метода разработки со спецификацией фильтра




help(d,'designmethod') отображения помогают в командном окне для алгоритма проекта designmethod для текущих технических требований объекта спецификации фильтров d. designmethod должен быть один из алгоритмов проекта, возвращенных designmethods для d, объект проектирования.


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Получите определенную справку для разработки Фильтров Баттерворта lowpass.

Первый фильтр lowpass использует спецификацию по умолчанию 'Fp, Fst, AP, Ast' и возвращает текст справки, характерный для спецификации.

d = fdesign.lowpass;
Design Methods that support System objects for class fdesign.lowpass (Fp,Fst,Ap,Ast):

 DESIGN Design a Butterworth IIR filter.
    HD = DESIGN(D, 'butter') designs a Butterworth filter specified by the
    FDESIGN object D, and returns the DFILT/MFILT object HD.
    HD = DESIGN(D, ..., 'SystemObject', true) implements the filter, HD,
    using a System object instead of a DFILT/MFILT object.
    HD = DESIGN(..., 'FilterStructure', STRUCTURE) returns a filter with the
    structure STRUCTURE.  STRUCTURE is 'df2sos' by default and can be any of
    the following:

    Some of the listed structures may not be supported by System object
    filters. Type validstructures(D, 'butter', 'SystemObject', true) to
    get a list of structures supported by System objects.
    HD = DESIGN(..., 'MatchExactly', MATCH) designs a Butterworth filter
    and matches the frequency and magnitude specification for the band
    MATCH exactly.  The other band will exceed the specification.  MATCH
    can be 'stopband' or 'passband' and is 'stopband' by default.
    HD = DESIGN(..., 'SOSScaleNorm', NORM) designs an SOS filter and scales
    the coefficients using the P-Norm NORM. NORM can be either a 
    discrete-time-domain norm or a frequency-domain norm. Valid time-domain 
    norms are 'l1','l2', and 'linf'. Valid frequency-domain norms are 
    'L1','L2', and 'Linf'. Note that L2-norm is equal to l2-norm 
    (Parseval's theorem) but the same is not true for other norms.
    The different norms can be ordered in terms of how stringent they are 
    as follows: 'l1' >= 'Linf' >= 'L2' = 'l2' >= 'L1' >= 'linf'.
    Using the most stringent scaling, 'l1', the filter is the least prone 
    to overflow, but also has the worst signal-to-noise ratio. Linf-scaling is 
    the most commonly used scaling in practice.
    Scaling is turned off by default, which is equivalent to setting
    SOSScaleNorm = ''.
    HD = DESIGN(..., 'SOSScaleOpts', OPTS) designs an SOS filter and scales
    the coefficients using an FDOPTS.SOSSCALING object OPTS.  Scaling options 
    Property                Default     Description/Valid values
    ---------               -------     ------------------------
    'sosReorder'            'auto'      Reorder section prior to scaling.
    'MaxNumerator'          2           Maximum value for numerator coefficients
    'NumeratorConstraint'   'none'      {'none', 'unit', 'normalize','po2'}
    'OverflowMode'          'wrap'      {'wrap','saturate'}
    'ScaleValueConstraint'  'unit'      {'unit','none','po2'}
    'MaxScaleValue'         'Not used'  Maximum value for scale values
    When sosReorder is set to 'auto', the sections will be automatically
    reordered depending on the response type of the design (lowpass,
    highpass, etc.).
    Note that 'MaxScaleValue' will only be used when 'ScaleValueConstraint'
    is set to something other than 'unit'. If 'MaxScaleValue' is set to a
    number, the 'ScaleValueConstraint' will be changed to 'none'. Further,
    if SOSScaleNorm is off (as it is by default), then all the SOSScaleOpts
    will be ignored.
    For more information about P-Norm and scaling options see help for DFILT\SCALE.
    % Example #1 - Compare passband and stopband MatchExactly.
       h     = fdesign.lowpass('Fp,Fst,Ap,Ast', .1, .3, 1, 60);
       Hd    = design(h, 'butter', 'MatchExactly', 'passband');
       Hd(2) = design(h, 'butter', 'MatchExactly', 'stopband');
       % Compare the passband edges in FVTool.
       axis([.09 .11 -2 0]);

Отметьте обсуждение MatchExactly введите опцию. Когда вы используете объект проектирования, который использует различную спецификацию, такую как and, F3dB', содержимое справки для метода разработки масла изменяется.

В этом случае опция MatchExactly не появляется в справке, потому что это не доступный входной параметр для спецификации and, F3dB'.

d = fdesign.lowpass('N,F3dB')
d = 
  lowpass with properties:

               Response: 'Lowpass'
          Specification: 'N,F3dB'
            Description: {2x1 cell}
    NormalizedFrequency: 1
            FilterOrder: 10
                   F3dB: 0.5000

Design Methods that support System objects for class fdesign.lowpass (N,F3dB):

 DESIGN Design a Butterworth IIR filter.
    HD = DESIGN(D, 'butter') designs a Butterworth filter specified by the
    FDESIGN object D, and returns the DFILT/MFILT object HD.
    HD = DESIGN(D, ..., 'SystemObject', true) implements the filter, HD,
    using a System object instead of a DFILT/MFILT object.
    HD = DESIGN(..., 'FilterStructure', STRUCTURE) returns a filter with the
    structure STRUCTURE.  STRUCTURE is 'df2sos' by default and can be any of
    the following:

    Some of the listed structures may not be supported by System object
    filters. Type validstructures(D, 'butter', 'SystemObject', true) to
    get a list of structures supported by System objects.
    HD = DESIGN(..., 'SOSScaleNorm', NORM) designs an SOS filter and scales
    the coefficients using the P-Norm NORM. NORM can be either a 
    discrete-time-domain norm or a frequency-domain norm. Valid time-domain 
    norms are 'l1','l2', and 'linf'. Valid frequency-domain norms are 
    'L1','L2', and 'Linf'. Note that L2-norm is equal to l2-norm 
    (Parseval's theorem) but the same is not true for other norms.
    The different norms can be ordered in terms of how stringent they are 
    as follows: 'l1' >= 'Linf' >= 'L2' = 'l2' >= 'L1' >= 'linf'.
    Using the most stringent scaling, 'l1', the filter is the least prone 
    to overflow, but also has the worst signal-to-noise ratio. Linf-scaling is 
    the most commonly used scaling in practice.
    Scaling is turned off by default, which is equivalent to setting
    SOSScaleNorm = ''.
    HD = DESIGN(..., 'SOSScaleOpts', OPTS) designs an SOS filter and scales
    the coefficients using an FDOPTS.SOSSCALING object OPTS.  Scaling options 
    Property                Default     Description/Valid values
    ---------               -------     ------------------------
    'sosReorder'            'auto'      Reorder section prior to scaling.
    'MaxNumerator'          2           Maximum value for numerator coefficients
    'NumeratorConstraint'   'none'      {'none', 'unit', 'normalize','po2'}
    'OverflowMode'          'wrap'      {'wrap','saturate'}
    'ScaleValueConstraint'  'unit'      {'unit','none','po2'}
    'MaxScaleValue'         'Not used'  Maximum value for scale values
    When sosReorder is set to 'auto', the sections will be automatically
    reordered depending on the response type of the design (lowpass,
    highpass, etc.).
    Note that 'MaxScaleValue' will only be used when 'ScaleValueConstraint'
    is set to something other than 'unit'. If 'MaxScaleValue' is set to a
    number, the 'ScaleValueConstraint' will be changed to 'none'. Further,
    if SOSScaleNorm is off (as it is by default), then all the SOSScaleOpts
    will be ignored.
    For more information about P-Norm and scaling options see help for DFILT\SCALE.
    % Example #1 - Design a lowpass Butterworth filter in the DF2TSOS structure.
       h  = fdesign.lowpass('N,F3dB');
       Hd = design(h, 'butter', 'FilterStructure', 'df2tsos');

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Введенный в R2011a

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