Калибруйте блок ECMS

В этом примере показано, как калибровать блок ECMS в примере готовых узлов HEV P2.

Пример готовых узлов HEV P2

Откройте пример готовых узлов P2.


Установите путь

Устанавливает путь к калибровочному скрипту.

path = fullfile(matlabroot,'examples','autoblks','main','internal');

Выполните калибровочный скрипт

% calibration_ecms_script
close all;
pxName="P2"; % PT configuration type, P0,P1,P2,P3,P4
battMdl = "BattHev"+pxName; % battery model - for SOC sweep
mdlName="Hev"+pxName+"ReferenceApplication"; % Hev model
ctrlMdl="Hev"+pxName+"OptimalController"; % Controller model
maxIterat=4;% maximum iterations
SOCinit = 0.85; % initial SOC, unit is in [0, 1]
SOCEndTrg = SOCinit*100;

% Plot window size and position


blk = mdlName + "/" + "Drive Cycle Source";
m = get_param(blk, 'MaskObject');
ECMS_CurrentCycle = m.Parameters(1,1).Value; % Current cycle setting.

mdlWks = get_param(ctrlMdl,'ModelWorkspace');  % find model workspace
ECMS_CurrentValue = getVariable(mdlWks,'ECMS_s'); % get current ECMS_s value

% extract initial value/name of ECMS tuning parameter
p = Simulink.Mask.get(ctrlMdl+"/ECMS");
battChrgMaxValue = getVariable(get_param(battMdl,'modelworkspace'),'BattChargeMax');

% set to a temp name

% Enable SOC recording
x1_handles = get_param(mdlName+"/Visualization/Rate Transition1",'PortHandles');
x1 = x1_handles.Outport(1);

% arrays used to store ECMS_s and SOC_end values
xc = zeros (3,1);
yc = zeros (3,1);

% plot showing the ECMS_s and SOC_end
subplot (1,2,1);
xlabel({'ECMS\_s',' '})
hold on;
subplot (1,2,2);
% set model workspace variables
in = ModelSetVariable (mdlName, battChrgMaxValue, SOCinit,battMdl, SOCEndTrg, ctrlMdl);
% get initial 3 ECMS_s points and SOC_end values
[x, y, ECMS_s, SOC_end, solution_found] = dSOC_generate_starting_points (in, ECMS_CurrentValue, SOCEndTrg); 
### Starting serial model reference simulation build
### Successfully updated the model reference simulation target for: BattHevP2
### Successfully updated the model reference simulation target for: DrivetrainHevP2
### Successfully updated the model reference simulation target for: HevP2OptimalController
### Successfully updated the model reference simulation target for: HevP2TransmissionController
### Successfully updated the model reference simulation target for: MotMappedP2
### Successfully updated the model reference simulation target for: SiEngineController
### Successfully updated the model reference simulation target for: SiMappedEngine
### Successfully updated the model reference simulation target for: StarterSystemP2

Build Summary

Simulation targets built:

Model                        Action                       Rebuild Reason                                          
BattHevP2                    Code generated and compiled  BattHevP2_msf.mexw64 does not exist.                    
DrivetrainHevP2              Code generated and compiled  DrivetrainHevP2_msf.mexw64 does not exist.              
HevP2OptimalController       Code generated and compiled  HevP2OptimalController_msf.mexw64 does not exist.       
HevP2TransmissionController  Code generated and compiled  HevP2TransmissionController_msf.mexw64 does not exist.  
MotMappedP2                  Code generated and compiled  MotMappedP2_msf.mexw64 does not exist.                  
SiEngineController           Code generated and compiled  SiEngineController_msf.mexw64 does not exist.           
SiMappedEngine               Code generated and compiled  SiMappedEngine_msf.mexw64 does not exist.               
StarterSystemP2              Code generated and compiled  StarterSystemP2_msf.mexw64 does not exist.              

8 of 8 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 7m 16.091s
x1 = 3.430000, y1 = 78.964430 
### Starting serial model reference simulation build
### Model reference simulation target for DrivetrainHevP2 is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for HevP2TransmissionController is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for MotMappedP2 is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for SiEngineController is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for SiMappedEngine is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for StarterSystemP2 is up to date.

Build Summary

0 of 8 models built (8 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 14.237s
x2 = 3.676594, y2 = 79.652346 
### Starting serial model reference simulation build
### Model reference simulation target for DrivetrainHevP2 is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for HevP2TransmissionController is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for MotMappedP2 is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for SiEngineController is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for SiMappedEngine is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for StarterSystemP2 is up to date.

Build Summary

0 of 8 models built (8 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 13.479s
x3 = 4.145992, y3 = 86.898529 
if (solution_found == 0)
    for i = 1 : maxIterat
        [yy, II] = sort(y,'ascend'); % sort the x, y array for plotting
        xx = x(II);
        subplot (1,2,2)
        if (i == 1); plot(xx,yy,'b--o','LineWidth',2); end
        if (i == 2); plot(xx,yy,'g--o','LineWidth',2); end
        if (i == 3); plot(xx,yy,'r--o','LineWidth',2); end
        if (i == 4); plot(xx,yy,'y--o','LineWidth',2); end
        hold off
        % solve second order equation to get z = ECMS_s corresponds to y = SOCEndTrg


        [z] = Second_order_roots (x, y, SOCEndTrg);
        in = in.setVariable("ECMS_s_tune", z);
        [SOC_end, dSOC] =dSOCsim_v1(in);
        subplot (1,2,1);
        hold on
        fprintf ('i= %u, ECMS_s = %f, SOC_end = %f \n',i, z, SOC_end);
        fprintf ('i= %u, x1 = %f, x2 = %f, x3 = %f, \n',i, x(1), x(2), x(3));
        fprintf ('i= %u, y1 = %f, y2 = %f, y3 = %f, \n',i, y(1), y(2), y(3));
        if (abs(SOC_end - SOCEndTrg) <= 1) % check if a solution is found
            ECMS_s = z;
            x(1) = ECMS_s;
            y(1) = SOC_end;
            solution_found = 1;
        xc(1:3) = x (1:3); yc(1:3) = y (1:3); 
        x(1) = z; y(1) = SOC_end; % since z and SOC_end are new points, we use them and put into x(1), y(1)
        [yb, II] = sort(yc,'ascend'); % sort the array for processing
        xb = xc(II);
        % begin the process to pick other two points from the original 3 point
        % xb(1:3), yb(1:3)
        if (y(1) > SOCEndTrg) % y(1)> SOCEndTrg, we need to pick other points < SOCEndTrg
            if ((yb(2) < SOCEndTrg) && (SOCEndTrg < yb(3)))  % yb(2) < SOCEndTrg, pick yb(2)
                x(2) = xb(2); y(2) = yb(2);
                if (abs(yb(1)-SOCEndTrg) < abs(yb(3)-SOCEndTrg)) % pick last point from xb(1), and xb(3), according to shortest distance to SOCEndTrg
                    x(3) = xb(1); y(3) = yb(1);
                    x(3) = xb(3); y(3) = yb(3);
            if ((yb(1) < SOCEndTrg) && (SOCEndTrg < yb(2))) % yb(1) < SOCEndTrg, pick yb(1)
                x(2) = xb(1); y(2) = yb(1);
                if (abs(yb(2)-SOCEndTrg) < abs(yb(3)-SOCEndTrg)) % pick last point from xb(2) and xb(3), according to shortest distance to SOCEndTrg
                    x(3) = xb(2); y(3) = yb(2);
                    x(3) = xb(3); y(3) = yb(3);
        if (y(1) < SOCEndTrg) % y(1)< SOCEndTrg, we need to pick other points > SOCEndTrg
            if ((yb(2) < SOCEndTrg) && (SOCEndTrg < yb(3))) % yb(3) > SOCEndTrg, pick yb(3)
                x(2) = xb(3); y(2) = yb(3);
                if (abs(yb(1)-SOCEndTrg) < abs(yb(2)-SOCEndTrg)) % pick last point from xb(1) and xb(2), according to shortest distance to SOCEndTrg
                    x(3) = xb(1); y(3) = yb(1);
                    x(3) = xb(2); y(3) = yb(2);
            if ((yb(1) < SOCEndTrg) && (SOCEndTrg < yb(2))) % yb(2) > SOCEndTrg, pick this point
                x(2) = xb(2); y(2) = yb(2);
                if (abs(yb(1)-SOCEndTrg) < abs(yb(3)-SOCEndTrg)) % pick last point from xb(1) and xb(3), according to shortest distance to SOCEndTrg
                    x(3) = xb(1); y(3) = yb(1);
                    x(3) = xb(3); y(3) = yb(3);
    y_abs = abs(y-SOCEndTrg);
    [yb, II] = sort(y_abs,'ascend');
    xb = x(II);
    ECMS_s = xb (1);
### Starting serial model reference simulation build
### Model reference simulation target for DrivetrainHevP2 is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for HevP2TransmissionController is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for MotMappedP2 is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for SiEngineController is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for SiMappedEngine is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for StarterSystemP2 is up to date.

Build Summary

0 of 8 models built (8 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 13.228s
i= 1, ECMS_s = 4.060548, SOC_end = 86.007364 
i= 1, x1 = 3.430000, x2 = 3.676594, x3 = 4.145992, 
i= 1, y1 = 78.964430, y2 = 79.652346, y3 = 86.898529, 
### Starting serial model reference simulation build
### Model reference simulation target for DrivetrainHevP2 is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for HevP2TransmissionController is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for MotMappedP2 is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for SiEngineController is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for SiMappedEngine is up to date.
### Model reference simulation target for StarterSystemP2 is up to date.

Build Summary

0 of 8 models built (8 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 13.42s
i= 2, ECMS_s = 3.980521, SOC_end = 85.445176 
i= 2, x1 = 4.060548, x2 = 3.676594, x3 = 4.145992, 
i= 2, y1 = 86.007364, y2 = 79.652346, y3 = 86.898529, 
hold off;

Elapsed time is 957.897390 seconds.
if (solution_found == 1)
    fprintf ('Search converged. ECMS_s parameter updated in model. \n');
Search converged. ECMS_s parameter updated in model. 
if (solution_found == 0)
    fprintf ('Search failed to converge. An approximate ECMS_s is updated in the model. \n');
    fprintf ('Refer to the Troubleshooting section of the example page for recommendations. \n');

ECMS_s_tune = ECMS_s;
% reset model

% update model and sim
hws = get_param(ctrlMdl, 'modelworkspace');% get the workspace
battChrgMaxValue = getVariable(get_param(battMdl, 'modelworkspace'), 'BattChargeMax');
in = in.setVariable('BattCapInit', battChrgMaxValue*SOCinit,'Workspace',battMdl);
in = in.setVariable('SOCTrgt', SOCEndTrg,'Workspace',ctrlMdl);
in = in.setVariable('SOCmin', max(SOCEndTrg-20,20.5),'Workspace',ctrlMdl);
in = in.setVariable('SOCmax', min(SOCEndTrg+20,100),'Workspace',ctrlMdl);
% sim(in);
% open_system(mdlName+"/Visualization/Performance and FE Scope");
function in = ModelSetVariable (mdlName, battChrgMaxValue, SOCinit, battMdl, SOCEndTrg, ctrlMdl) 
in = Simulink.SimulationInput(mdlName);
in = in.setVariable('BattCapInit', battChrgMaxValue*SOCinit,'Workspace',battMdl);
in = in.setVariable('SOCTrgt', SOCEndTrg,'Workspace',ctrlMdl);
in = in.setVariable('SOCmin', max(SOCEndTrg-20,20.5),'Workspace',ctrlMdl); 
in = in.setVariable('SOCmax', min(SOCEndTrg+20,100),'Workspace',ctrlMdl);

function [x_out, y_out, ECMS_s, SOC_end, solution_found] = dSOC_generate_starting_points (in, ECMS_CurrentValue, SOCEndTrg)

x_out = zeros (3,1);
y_out = zeros (3,1);
x = zeros (4,1);
y = zeros (4,1);

solution_found = 0;
ECMS_s = ECMS_CurrentValue;
alpha = 0.8;

tol = 1;

x1 = ECMS_CurrentValue;  % use current ECMS_s value as the starting point
in = in.setVariable("ECMS_s_tune", x1);
[SOC_end,  dSOC] =dSOCsim_v1(in);  %evaluate x1 results
y1 = SOC_end;
subplot (1,2,1);
hold on
fprintf ('x1 = %f, y1 = %f \n',x1, y1);
if (abs(y1 - SOCEndTrg) <= tol)  % check if a solution found
    ECMS_s  = x1;
    SOC_end = y1;
    solution_found = 1;

if ((y1 > SOCEndTrg) && (solution_found == 0))
    x2 = x1 - ECMS_S_dis_up (x1, y1, SOCEndTrg); % use a decreased ECMS_s value as x2
    in = in.setVariable("ECMS_s_tune", x2);
    [SOC_end, dSOC] =dSOCsim_v1(in);
    y2 = SOC_end;
    subplot (1,2,1);
    hold on
    fprintf ('x2 = %f, y2 = %f \n',x2, y2);
    if (abs(y2 - SOCEndTrg) <= tol)  % check if a solution found
        ECMS_s  = x2;
        SOC_end = y2;
        solution_found = 1;
    if ((y2 > SOCEndTrg) && (solution_found == 0)) % y2 is still too high
        y3_try = SOCEndTrg - 2; % set a lower SOC end trial to it will be easier to get y2 < SOC_EndTrg
        x3 = x1 + alpha*(y3_try - y1)*(x2-x1)/(y2-y1); % use x1, y1, x2, y2 to fit a linear function

x=x1+αy-y1y2-y1×(x2-x1) таким образом, что x=x1вy=y1,иx=αx2+(1-α)x1вy=y2

        dx = ECMS_S_dis_up (x2, y2, SOCEndTrg); % get a pre-defined decrease value
        x3 = min (x3, x2 -   dx);  % upper limit for x3
        x3 = max (x3, x2 - 2*dx);  % lower limit for x3
        in = in.setVariable("ECMS_s_tune", x3); % set the x3 value as ECMS_s
        [SOC_end,  dSOC] =dSOCsim_v1(in);       % evaluate
        y3 = SOC_end;
        subplot (1,2,1);
        hold on
        fprintf ('x3 = %f, y3 = %f \n',x3, y3);
        if (abs(y3 - SOCEndTrg) <= tol) % check if a solution is found
        ECMS_s  = x3;
        SOC_end = y3;
        solution_found = 1;
    if (solution_found == 0)
        if ((y2 > SOCEndTrg) && (y3 >= SOCEndTrg)) % if y3 is still greater than SOCEndTrg, lower it again
            [x(4)] = Second_order_roots (x_out, y_out, SOCEndTrg - 2); % solve the second order equation with a lower value
            dx = ECMS_S_dis_up (x3, y3, SOCEndTrg);
            x(4) = min (x(4), x3 -   dx); % upper limit for x(4)
            x(4) = max (x(4), x3 - 2*dx); % lower limit for x(4)
            in = in.setVariable("ECMS_s_tune", x(4));
            [SOC_end, dSOC] =dSOCsim_v1(in);
            ECMS_s = x(4);
            y(4) = SOC_end;
            subplot (1,2,1);
            hold on
            fprintf ('x(4) = %f, y(4) = %f \n',x(4), y(4));
            x_out (1) = x(4); y_out (1) = y(4);
            x_out (2) = x3;   y_out (2) = y3;
            x_out (3) = x2;   y_out (3) = y2;
            if (abs(y(4) - SOCEndTrg) <= tol)
                ECMS_s  = x(4);
                SOC_end = y(4);
                solution_found = 1;

    if ((y2 < SOCEndTrg) && (solution_found == 0)) % y2 is lower than SOCEndTrg while y1 is greater than SOCEndTrg
        x_min = min (x1, x2); x_max = max (x1, x2); y_min = min(y1, y2); y_max = max (y1, y2); % sort the min and max
        w_min = abs (y_min - SOCEndTrg) / (abs(y_min - SOCEndTrg) + abs(y_max - SOCEndTrg)); % weighting factor
        x3 = (1-w_min) * x_min + w_min * x_max; % x3 is a weighted interpolation between x1 and x2
        in = in.setVariable("ECMS_s_tune", x3);
        [SOC_end,  dSOC] =dSOCsim_v1(in);
        y3 = SOC_end;
        subplot (1,2,1);
        hold on
        fprintf ('x3 = %f, y3 = %f \n',x3, y3);
        if (abs(y3 - SOCEndTrg) <= tol)
        ECMS_s  = x3;
        SOC_end = y3;
        solution_found = 1;
    if (solution_found == 0)
        x_out(1) = x1; x_out(2) = x2; x_out(3) = x3; y_out(1) = y1; y_out(2) = y2; y_out(3) = y3; % output 3 points

if ((y1 < SOCEndTrg) && (solution_found == 0)) % y1 < SOCEndTrg
    x2 = x1 + ECMS_S_dis_up (x1, y1, SOCEndTrg); % use a higher ECMS_s value as x2
    in = in.setVariable("ECMS_s_tune", x2);
    [SOC_end, dSOC] =dSOCsim_v1(in);
    y2 = SOC_end;
    subplot (1,2,1);
    fprintf ('x2 = %f, y2 = %f \n',x2, y2);
    if (abs(y2 - SOCEndTrg) <= tol)
        ECMS_s  = x2;
        SOC_end = y2;
        solution_found = 1;
    if ((y2 < SOCEndTrg) && (solution_found == 0)) % x2 is not high enough
        y3_try = SOCEndTrg + 2;                    % set a higher SOC target


        x3 = x1 + alpha*(y3_try - y1)*(x2-x1)/(y2-y1); % use x1, y1, x2, y2 as a linear prdeiction
        dx = ECMS_S_dis_up (x2, y2, SOCEndTrg);    % standard increase
        x3 = max (x3, x2 +   dx);                  % lower limit for x3
        x3 = min (x3, x2 + 2*dx);                  % upper limit for x3
        in = in.setVariable("ECMS_s_tune", x3);
        [SOC_end, dSOC] =dSOCsim_v1(in);
        y3 = SOC_end;
        subplot (1,2,1);
        fprintf ('x3 = %f, y3 = %f \n',x3, y3);
        if (abs(y3 - SOCEndTrg) <= tol)
            ECMS_s  = x3;
            SOC_end = y3;
            solution_found = 1;
    if (solution_found == 0)
        if ((y2 < SOCEndTrg) && (y3 <= SOCEndTrg))  % y3 is still not high enough
            [x(4)] = Second_order_roots (x_out, y_out, SOCEndTrg + 2);  % increase again
            dx = ECMS_S_dis_up (x3, y3, SOCEndTrg);   % standard increase
            x(4) = max (x(4), x3 +   dx);             % make it higher than the standard increase
            x(4) = min (x(4), x3 + 2*dx);             % limit the increase to 2 times the standard
            in = in.setVariable("ECMS_s_tune", x(4));
            [SOC_end, dSOC] =dSOCsim_v1(in);
            ECMS_s = x(4);
            y(4) = SOC_end;
            subplot (1,2,1);
            x_out (1) = x(4); y_out (1) = y(4);   % output 3 points
            x_out (2) = x3;   y_out (2) = y3;
            x_out (3) = x2;   y_out (3) = y2;
            fprintf ('x(4) = %f, y(4) = %f \n',x(4), y(4));
            if (abs(y(4) - SOCEndTrg) <= tol)
                ECMS_s  = x(4);
                SOC_end = y(4);
                solution_found = 1;
    if ((y2 > SOCEndTrg) && (solution_found == 0))  % y2 is good
        x_min = min (x1, x2); x_max = max (x1, x2); y_min = min(y1, y2); y_max = max (y1, y2); % get min and max for x1, x2, y1, y2
        w_min = abs (y_min - SOCEndTrg) / (abs(y_min - SOCEndTrg) + abs(y_max - SOCEndTrg));   % weighted factor
        x3= (1-w_min) * x_min + w_min * x_max;  % get weighted interpolation between x1, and x2
        in = in.setVariable("ECMS_s_tune", x3);
        [SOC_end, dSOC] =dSOCsim_v1(in);
        y3 = SOC_end;
        subplot (1,2,1);
        fprintf ('x3 = %f, y3 = %f \n',x3, y3);
        if (abs(y3 - SOCEndTrg) <= tol)
            ECMS_s  = x3;
            SOC_end = y3;
            solution_found = 1;
    if (solution_found == 0)
        x_out(1) = x1; x_out(2) = x2; x_out(3) = x3; y_out(1) = y1; y_out(2) = y2; y_out(3) = y3; % output three points


function [SOC_end, dSOC]=dSOCsim_v1(in)

% for ii=1:length(out)
    if isempty(out.ErrorMessage)
        SOC=out.logsout.getElement('Battery SOC').Values.Data;
        SOC_end = SOC(end);

function dx = ECMS_S_dis_up (ECMS_s, y, SOC_target)

% function computs standard dx = increase/decrease in ECMS_s
% the dx is propertional to the distance between SOC_end (y) and SOC_Target
% also, dx is propoertional to ECMS_s, a, c, ff can be adjusted

ff = 0.04;
a  = 0.01;
c = 3.5;
b = ECMS_s / c;   % ECMS_s effect
if (ECMS_s < c-0.1); b = 1; end
dx = a + b * abs(y-SOC_target) * ff;


function [z1] = Second_order_roots (x, y, y_tar)

solve the equationytar=az2+bz+c,сyi=axi2+bxi+c,для1i3.

d1 = y(1) / (x(1) - x(2)) / (x(1) - x(3));
d2 = y(2) / (x(2) - x(1)) / (x(2) - x(3));
d3 = y(3) / (x(3) - x(1)) / (x(3) - x(2));

AA = (d1 + d2 + d3);
BB = - (d1 * (x(2) + x(3)) + d2 * (x(1) + x(3)) + d3 * (x(1) + x(2)));
CC = d1 * x(2) * x(3) + d2 * x(1) * x(3) + d3 * x(1) * x(2) - y_tar;

z1 = (-BB + sqrt (BB*BB - 4 * AA * CC)) / 2 / AA;


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