
Configure block signal data for code generation



    setSignal(myCodeMappingObj,portHandle,Name,Value) configures signals specified by block output ports for code generation. Use this function to map specified block output ports to the storage class and storage class property settings that the code generator uses to produce C code for the corresponding signal data.

    This function does not apply to signals that originate from root-level Inport blocks. For signals that originate from root-level Inport blocks, see setInport.


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    In the model code mappings for model myConfigModel, set the storage class for output signals of lookup table blocks Table1D and Table2D to ExportedGlobal. After creating the object cm by calling function coder.mapping.api.get, get handles to the output ports for lookup table blocks. Set the storage class for the output signals by calling setSignal.

    cm = coder.mapping.api.get('myConfigModel');
    lut1D_ports = get_param('myConfigModel/Table1D','PortHandles');
    lut2D_ports = get_param('myConfigModel/Table2D','PortHandles');
    lut1D_outPort = lut1D_ports.Outport;
    lut2D_outPort = lut2D_ports.Outport;

    In the model code mappings for model myConfigModel, set the storage class for block output signals to Model default. After creating the object cm by calling function coder.mapping.api.get, get the port handles of the signal data in the code mappings. Set the storage class for the signals by calling setSignal.

    cm = coder.mapping.api.get('myConfigModel');
    portHandles = find(cm,'Signals')
    setSignal(cm,portHandles,'StorageClass','Model default');

    In the model code mappings for model myConfigModel, set the code identifiers for output signals of lookup table blocks Table1D and Table2D to dout_Table1D and dout_Table2D. After creating the object cm by calling function coder.mapping.api.get, get handles to the output ports for lookup table blocks. Set the code identifiers for the output signals by calling setSignal.

    cm = coder.mapping.api.get('myConfigModel');
    lut1D_ports = get_param('myConfigModel/Table1D','PortHandles');
    lut2D_ports = get_param('myConfigModel/Table2D','PortHandles');
    lut1D_outPort = lut1D_ports.Outport;
    lut2D_outPort = lut2D_ports.Outport;

    Input Arguments

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    Code mapping object (model code mappings) returned by a call to function coder.mapping.api.get.

    Example: myCM

    Signal to add to the code mappings, specified as a handle of an output port of the signal's source block. To specify multiple port handles, use an array.

    Example: portHandle

    Data Types: port_handle | array

    Name-Value Pair Arguments

    Example: 'StorageClass' 'ExportedGlobal'

    Specify comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside quotes. You can specify several name and value pair arguments as Name1,Value1,…,NameN,ValueN. The order of the name and value pair arguments does not matter.

    Storage class to set for the specified signals. The name of a predefined storage class or storage class that is defined in the Embedded Coder Dictionary associated with the model. See Configure Signal Data for C Code Generation.

    Name for the variable that represents the signal data in the generated code.

    Data Types: char | string

    Introduced in R2020b
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