
Класс: dlhdl.Workflow
Пакет: dlhdl

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compile компилирует dlhdl.Workflow возразите и генерирует параметры для развертывания сети на целевом устройстве.

compile(Name,Value) компилирует dlhdl.Workflow возразите и генерирует параметры для развертывания сети на целевом устройстве, с дополнительными опциями, заданными одним или несколькими Name,Value парные аргументы.

Функция возвращает две матрицы. Одна матрица описывает слои сети. Conv Controller (Scheduling) и FC Controller (Scheduling) модули в процессоре IP глубокого обучения используют эту матрицу, чтобы запланировать операции полносвязного слоя и свертка. Вторая матрица содержит веса, смещения и входные параметры нейронной сети. Эта информация загружается на память DDR и используется Generic Convolution Processor и Generic FC Processor в процессоре глубокого обучения.


развернуть все

Скомпилируйте dlhdl.Workflow объект, для развертывания на комплекте разработчика Intel® Arria® 10 SoC, который имеет single типы данных.

Создайте dlhdl.Workflow возразите и затем используйте compile функция, чтобы развернуть предварительно обученную сеть в целевой компьютер.

snet = vgg19;
hT = dlhdl.Target('Intel');
hW = dlhdl.Workflow('network', snet, 'Bitstream', 'arria10soc_single','Target',hT);

Если код выполнен, результат:

          offset_name          offset_address     allocated_space 
    _______________________    ______________    _________________

    "InputDataOffset"           "0x00000000"     "24.0 MB"        
    "OutputResultOffset"        "0x01800000"     "4.0 MB"         
    "SystemBufferOffset"        "0x01c00000"     "52.0 MB"        
    "InstructionDataOffset"     "0x05000000"     "20.0 MB"        
    "ConvWeightDataOffset"      "0x06400000"     "276.0 MB"       
    "FCWeightDataOffset"        "0x17800000"     "472.0 MB"       
    "EndOffset"                 "0x35000000"     "Total: 848.0 MB"

ans = 

  struct with fields:

       Operators: [1×1 struct]
    LayerConfigs: [1×1 struct]
      NetConfigs: [1×1 struct]


  1. Создайте dlhdl.Workflow возразите и затем используйте compile функция с дополнительным аргументом InputFrameNumberLimit развернуть предварительно обученную сеть в целевой компьютер.

    snet = alexnet;
    hT = dlhdl.Target('Xilinx');
    hW = dlhdl.Workflow('network', snet, 'Bitstream', 'zcu102_single','Target',hT);
  2. Результат выполнения кода:

    ### Compiling network for Deep Learning FPGA prototyping ...
    ### Targeting FPGA bitstream zcu102_single ...
    ### The network includes the following layers:
         1   'data'     Image Input                   227×227×3 images with 'zerocenter' normalization                                  (SW Layer)
         2   'conv1'    Convolution                   96 11×11×3 convolutions with stride [4  4] and padding [0  0  0  0]               (HW Layer)
         3   'relu1'    ReLU                          ReLU                                                                              (HW Layer)
         4   'norm1'    Cross Channel Normalization   cross channel normalization with 5 channels per element                           (HW Layer)
         5   'pool1'    Max Pooling                   3×3 max pooling with stride [2  2] and padding [0  0  0  0]                       (HW Layer)
         6   'conv2'    Grouped Convolution           2 groups of 128 5×5×48 convolutions with stride [1  1] and padding [2  2  2  2]   (HW Layer)
         7   'relu2'    ReLU                          ReLU                                                                              (HW Layer)
         8   'norm2'    Cross Channel Normalization   cross channel normalization with 5 channels per element                           (HW Layer)
         9   'pool2'    Max Pooling                   3×3 max pooling with stride [2  2] and padding [0  0  0  0]                       (HW Layer)
        10   'conv3'    Convolution                   384 3×3×256 convolutions with stride [1  1] and padding [1  1  1  1]              (HW Layer)
        11   'relu3'    ReLU                          ReLU                                                                              (HW Layer)
        12   'conv4'    Grouped Convolution           2 groups of 192 3×3×192 convolutions with stride [1  1] and padding [1  1  1  1]  (HW Layer)
        13   'relu4'    ReLU                          ReLU                                                                              (HW Layer)
        14   'conv5'    Grouped Convolution           2 groups of 128 3×3×192 convolutions with stride [1  1] and padding [1  1  1  1]  (HW Layer)
        15   'relu5'    ReLU                          ReLU                                                                              (HW Layer)
        16   'pool5'    Max Pooling                   3×3 max pooling with stride [2  2] and padding [0  0  0  0]                       (HW Layer)
        17   'fc6'      Fully Connected               4096 fully connected layer                                                        (HW Layer)
        18   'relu6'    ReLU                          ReLU                                                                              (HW Layer)
        19   'drop6'    Dropout                       50% dropout                                                                       (HW Layer)
        20   'fc7'      Fully Connected               4096 fully connected layer                                                        (HW Layer)
        21   'relu7'    ReLU                          ReLU                                                                              (HW Layer)
        22   'drop7'    Dropout                       50% dropout                                                                       (HW Layer)
        23   'fc8'      Fully Connected               1000 fully connected layer                                                        (HW Layer)
        24   'prob'     Softmax                       softmax                                                                           (SW Layer)
        25   'output'   Classification Output         crossentropyex with 'tench' and 999 other classes                                 (SW Layer)
    3 Memory Regions created.
    Skipping: data
    Compiling leg: conv1>>pool5 ...
    Compiling leg: conv1>>pool5 ... complete.
    Compiling leg: fc6>>fc8 ...
    Compiling leg: fc6>>fc8 ... complete.
    Skipping: prob
    Skipping: output
    Creating Schedule...
    Creating Schedule...complete.
    Creating Status Table...
    Creating Status Table...complete.
    Emitting Schedule...
    Emitting Schedule...complete.
    Emitting Status Table...
    Emitting Status Table...complete.
    ### Allocating external memory buffers:
              offset_name          offset_address     allocated_space 
        _______________________    ______________    _________________
        "InputDataOffset"           "0x00000000"     "24.0 MB"        
        "OutputResultOffset"        "0x01800000"     "4.0 MB"         
        "SchedulerDataOffset"       "0x01c00000"     "4.0 MB"         
        "SystemBufferOffset"        "0x02000000"     "28.0 MB"        
        "InstructionDataOffset"     "0x03c00000"     "4.0 MB"         
        "ConvWeightDataOffset"      "0x04000000"     "16.0 MB"        
        "FCWeightDataOffset"        "0x05000000"     "224.0 MB"       
        "EndOffset"                 "0x13000000"     "Total: 304.0 MB"
    ### Network compilation complete.

  1. Создайте dlhdl.Workflow объект с resnet18 как сеть для развертывания на Xilinx® Zynq® UltraScale +™ плата MPSoC ZCU102, которая использует single типы данных.

    snet = resnet18;
    hTarget = dlhdl.Target('Xilinx');
    hW = dlhdl.Workflow('N',snet,'B','zcu102_single','T',hTarget);
  2. Вызовите compile функция на hW


    Вызов compile функция, возвращается:

    ### Compiling network for Deep Learning FPGA prototyping ...
    ### Targeting FPGA bitstream zcu102_single ...
    ### The network includes the following layers:
         1   'data'                              Image Input              224×224×3 images with 'zscore' normalization                          (SW Layer)
         2   'conv1'                             Convolution              64 7×7×3 convolutions with stride [2  2] and padding [3  3  3  3]     (HW Layer)
         3   'bn_conv1'                          Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 64 channels                                  (HW Layer)
         4   'conv1_relu'                        ReLU                     ReLU                                                                  (HW Layer)
         5   'pool1'                             Max Pooling              3×3 max pooling with stride [2  2] and padding [1  1  1  1]           (HW Layer)
         6   'res2a_branch2a'                    Convolution              64 3×3×64 convolutions with stride [1  1] and padding [1  1  1  1]    (HW Layer)
         7   'bn2a_branch2a'                     Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 64 channels                                  (HW Layer)
         8   'res2a_branch2a_relu'               ReLU                     ReLU                                                                  (HW Layer)
         9   'res2a_branch2b'                    Convolution              64 3×3×64 convolutions with stride [1  1] and padding [1  1  1  1]    (HW Layer)
        10   'bn2a_branch2b'                     Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 64 channels                                  (HW Layer)
        11   'res2a'                             Addition                 Element-wise addition of 2 inputs                                     (HW Layer)
        12   'res2a_relu'                        ReLU                     ReLU                                                                  (HW Layer)
        13   'res2b_branch2a'                    Convolution              64 3×3×64 convolutions with stride [1  1] and padding [1  1  1  1]    (HW Layer)
        14   'bn2b_branch2a'                     Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 64 channels                                  (HW Layer)
        15   'res2b_branch2a_relu'               ReLU                     ReLU                                                                  (HW Layer)
        16   'res2b_branch2b'                    Convolution              64 3×3×64 convolutions with stride [1  1] and padding [1  1  1  1]    (HW Layer)
        17   'bn2b_branch2b'                     Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 64 channels                                  (HW Layer)
        18   'res2b'                             Addition                 Element-wise addition of 2 inputs                                     (HW Layer)
        19   'res2b_relu'                        ReLU                     ReLU                                                                  (HW Layer)
        20   'res3a_branch2a'                    Convolution              128 3×3×64 convolutions with stride [2  2] and padding [1  1  1  1]   (HW Layer)
        21   'bn3a_branch2a'                     Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 128 channels                                 (HW Layer)
        22   'res3a_branch2a_relu'               ReLU                     ReLU                                                                  (HW Layer)
        23   'res3a_branch2b'                    Convolution              128 3×3×128 convolutions with stride [1  1] and padding [1  1  1  1]  (HW Layer)
        24   'bn3a_branch2b'                     Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 128 channels                                 (HW Layer)
        25   'res3a'                             Addition                 Element-wise addition of 2 inputs                                     (HW Layer)
        26   'res3a_relu'                        ReLU                     ReLU                                                                  (HW Layer)
        27   'res3a_branch1'                     Convolution              128 1×1×64 convolutions with stride [2  2] and padding [0  0  0  0]   (HW Layer)
        28   'bn3a_branch1'                      Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 128 channels                                 (HW Layer)
        29   'res3b_branch2a'                    Convolution              128 3×3×128 convolutions with stride [1  1] and padding [1  1  1  1]  (HW Layer)
        30   'bn3b_branch2a'                     Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 128 channels                                 (HW Layer)
        31   'res3b_branch2a_relu'               ReLU                     ReLU                                                                  (HW Layer)
        32   'res3b_branch2b'                    Convolution              128 3×3×128 convolutions with stride [1  1] and padding [1  1  1  1]  (HW Layer)
        33   'bn3b_branch2b'                     Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 128 channels                                 (HW Layer)
        34   'res3b'                             Addition                 Element-wise addition of 2 inputs                                     (HW Layer)
        35   'res3b_relu'                        ReLU                     ReLU                                                                  (HW Layer)
        36   'res4a_branch2a'                    Convolution              256 3×3×128 convolutions with stride [2  2] and padding [1  1  1  1]  (HW Layer)
        37   'bn4a_branch2a'                     Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 256 channels                                 (HW Layer)
        38   'res4a_branch2a_relu'               ReLU                     ReLU                                                                  (HW Layer)
        39   'res4a_branch2b'                    Convolution              256 3×3×256 convolutions with stride [1  1] and padding [1  1  1  1]  (HW Layer)
        40   'bn4a_branch2b'                     Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 256 channels                                 (HW Layer)
        41   'res4a'                             Addition                 Element-wise addition of 2 inputs                                     (HW Layer)
        42   'res4a_relu'                        ReLU                     ReLU                                                                  (HW Layer)
        43   'res4a_branch1'                     Convolution              256 1×1×128 convolutions with stride [2  2] and padding [0  0  0  0]  (HW Layer)
        44   'bn4a_branch1'                      Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 256 channels                                 (HW Layer)
        45   'res4b_branch2a'                    Convolution              256 3×3×256 convolutions with stride [1  1] and padding [1  1  1  1]  (HW Layer)
        46   'bn4b_branch2a'                     Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 256 channels                                 (HW Layer)
        47   'res4b_branch2a_relu'               ReLU                     ReLU                                                                  (HW Layer)
        48   'res4b_branch2b'                    Convolution              256 3×3×256 convolutions with stride [1  1] and padding [1  1  1  1]  (HW Layer)
        49   'bn4b_branch2b'                     Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 256 channels                                 (HW Layer)
        50   'res4b'                             Addition                 Element-wise addition of 2 inputs                                     (HW Layer)
        51   'res4b_relu'                        ReLU                     ReLU                                                                  (HW Layer)
        52   'res5a_branch2a'                    Convolution              512 3×3×256 convolutions with stride [2  2] and padding [1  1  1  1]  (HW Layer)
        53   'bn5a_branch2a'                     Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 512 channels                                 (HW Layer)
        54   'res5a_branch2a_relu'               ReLU                     ReLU                                                                  (HW Layer)
        55   'res5a_branch2b'                    Convolution              512 3×3×512 convolutions with stride [1  1] and padding [1  1  1  1]  (HW Layer)
        56   'bn5a_branch2b'                     Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 512 channels                                 (HW Layer)
        57   'res5a'                             Addition                 Element-wise addition of 2 inputs                                     (HW Layer)
        58   'res5a_relu'                        ReLU                     ReLU                                                                  (HW Layer)
        59   'res5a_branch1'                     Convolution              512 1×1×256 convolutions with stride [2  2] and padding [0  0  0  0]  (HW Layer)
        60   'bn5a_branch1'                      Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 512 channels                                 (HW Layer)
        61   'res5b_branch2a'                    Convolution              512 3×3×512 convolutions with stride [1  1] and padding [1  1  1  1]  (HW Layer)
        62   'bn5b_branch2a'                     Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 512 channels                                 (HW Layer)
        63   'res5b_branch2a_relu'               ReLU                     ReLU                                                                  (HW Layer)
        64   'res5b_branch2b'                    Convolution              512 3×3×512 convolutions with stride [1  1] and padding [1  1  1  1]  (HW Layer)
        65   'bn5b_branch2b'                     Batch Normalization      Batch normalization with 512 channels                                 (HW Layer)
        66   'res5b'                             Addition                 Element-wise addition of 2 inputs                                     (HW Layer)
        67   'res5b_relu'                        ReLU                     ReLU                                                                  (HW Layer)
        68   'pool5'                             Global Average Pooling   Global average pooling                                                (HW Layer)
        69   'fc1000'                            Fully Connected          1000 fully connected layer                                            (HW Layer)
        70   'prob'                              Softmax                  softmax                                                               (SW Layer)
        71   'ClassificationLayer_predictions'   Classification Output    crossentropyex with 'tench' and 999 other classes                     (SW Layer)
    ### Optimizing series network: Fused 'nnet.cnn.layer.BatchNormalizationLayer' into 'nnet.cnn.layer.Convolution2DLayer'
    5 Memory Regions created.
    Skipping: data
    Compiling leg: conv1>>pool1 ...
    Compiling leg: conv1>>pool1 ... complete.
    Compiling leg: res2a_branch2a>>res2a_branch2b ...
    Compiling leg: res2a_branch2a>>res2a_branch2b ... complete.
    Compiling leg: res2b_branch2a>>res2b_branch2b ...
    Compiling leg: res2b_branch2a>>res2b_branch2b ... complete.
    Compiling leg: res3a_branch2a>>res3a_branch2b ...
    Compiling leg: res3a_branch2a>>res3a_branch2b ... complete.
    Compiling leg: res3a_branch1 ...
    Compiling leg: res3a_branch1 ... complete.
    Compiling leg: res3b_branch2a>>res3b_branch2b ...
    Compiling leg: res3b_branch2a>>res3b_branch2b ... complete.
    Compiling leg: res4a_branch2a>>res4a_branch2b ...
    Compiling leg: res4a_branch2a>>res4a_branch2b ... complete.
    Compiling leg: res4a_branch1 ...
    Compiling leg: res4a_branch1 ... complete.
    Compiling leg: res4b_branch2a>>res4b_branch2b ...
    Compiling leg: res4b_branch2a>>res4b_branch2b ... complete.
    Compiling leg: res5a_branch2a>>res5a_branch2b ...
    Compiling leg: res5a_branch2a>>res5a_branch2b ... complete.
    Compiling leg: res5a_branch1 ...
    Compiling leg: res5a_branch1 ... complete.
    Compiling leg: res5b_branch2a>>res5b_branch2b ...
    Compiling leg: res5b_branch2a>>res5b_branch2b ... complete.
    Compiling leg: pool5 ...
    Compiling leg: pool5 ... complete.
    Compiling leg: fc1000 ...
    Compiling leg: fc1000 ... complete.
    Skipping: prob
    Skipping: ClassificationLayer_predictions
    Creating Schedule...
    Creating Schedule...complete.
    Creating Status Table...
    Creating Status Table...complete.
    Emitting Schedule...
    Emitting Schedule...complete.
    Emitting Status Table...
    Emitting Status Table...complete.
    ### Allocating external memory buffers:
              offset_name          offset_address     allocated_space 
        _______________________    ______________    _________________
        "InputDataOffset"           "0x00000000"     "24.0 MB"        
        "OutputResultOffset"        "0x01800000"     "4.0 MB"         
        "SchedulerDataOffset"       "0x01c00000"     "4.0 MB"         
        "SystemBufferOffset"        "0x02000000"     "28.0 MB"        
        "InstructionDataOffset"     "0x03c00000"     "4.0 MB"         
        "ConvWeightDataOffset"      "0x04000000"     "52.0 MB"        
        "FCWeightDataOffset"        "0x07400000"     "4.0 MB"         
        "EndOffset"                 "0x07800000"     "Total: 120.0 MB"
    ### Network compilation complete.
    ans = 
      struct with fields:
                 weights: [1×1 struct]
            instructions: [1×1 struct]
               registers: [1×1 struct]
        syncInstructions: [1×1 struct]

Входные параметры

Аргументы в виде пар имя-значение

Задайте дополнительные разделенные запятой пары Name,Value аргументы. Name имя аргумента и Value соответствующее значение. Name должен появиться в кавычках. Вы можете задать несколько аргументов в виде пар имен и значений в любом порядке, например: Name1, Value1, ..., NameN, ValueN.

Параметр, чтобы задать максимальный предел номера входного кадра, чтобы вычислить выделение доступа к памяти DDR.

Пример: 'InputFrameNumberLimit',30

Введенный в R2020b
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